Family Constellations with Sara Drumond
Time: 18.30 - 20.30
Price: £34
Family Constellations with Sara Drumond
Friday 09 February
18.30 – 20.30
Family constellations (Ancestral healing or Transgenerational trauma therapy)
Family constellation therapy offers ways of helping people heal from family trauma and struggles that have been passed down unconsciously through their generations.
A systemic constellation creates a safe space for these transgenerational hidden dynamics to be set free and to unlock the interruption of love in the family seven generations past and in the future.
For those of us caring about the collective consciousness, it’s the ultimate gesture of love. To free our born and unborn children from our emotional and trauma baggage.
Kundalini Yoga Wellness Wednesdays
Time: 7.50 - 9pm
Price: £48
Kundalini Yoga Wellness Wednesdays