Sat 19 Nov 2022 – Prosperity Meditation Workshop with Jennifer Greenlees

Time: Sat 10am-12.30pm

Price: £29

Sat 19 Nov 2022 – Sat 19 Nov 2022 – Prosperity Meditation Workshop with Jennifer Greenlees

Learn How to Switch Off

with Jennifer Greenlees

10am – 12.30pm


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Learn how to switch off from stress and the daily distractions in our busy lives. Come along to a new Prosperity Mediation Workshop 19th November 10-12:30pm at Namaste Yoga Belfast 265A Ormeau Road, BT7 3GG

Learn How to Switch Off and Meditate…

Jennifer will be sharing lots of different ways to help you quieten busy minds and focus on meditation. Meditation releases reactions and unconscious habits and builds our intuition and awareness of self. 

There is a treasure trove of meditations to choose from in the Kundalini Yoga tradition along many themes including prosperity. Many people have the belief that spiritual people can not be prosperous and that prosperous people have a hard time being spiritual. However spiritual people are connected to the Source of everything and spiritual people are probably the most prosperous people of all. Furthermore, a prosperous person has what it takes to give, so a truly prosperous person has what it takes to be very spiritual.

Many of us have limiting beliefs around money that may have been passed down from generation to generation concerning money and the lack of it. These thoughts create feelings of struggle, fear, anxiety and lack of security. Prosperity meditations bring joy to the heart and mind. They are wonderful to do just for the fun of it even if prosperity is not an issue. 

With all the uncertainty we have been living through currently during and post covid, I think this is a perfect time to be focusing on prosperity. The qualities that lead to prosperity also allow us to survive with our sanity intact even when “all hell’s breaking loose” seems like an understatement. A positive attitude, an open heart, and the willingness to reach out to others, being at the right place at the right time, and coming through all obstacles with radiant success are exactly the qualities we need right now… and these are exactly the qualities that make for prosperity. 

The people who are happiest at times like these are those who meditate, those who reach out to others in service, those who follow the calls of their souls, those who keep their hearts open. These qualities keep us from collapsing in deadly times, and these same qualities bring us prosperity. May you learn these techniques so that you have the power to give. May you empower yourself so that you can empower others. May you be kind to yourself so that you can be kind to all creation. May the universe shower you with all blessings

Please wear loose comfortable clothing, white if possible. If you don’t have a white t-shirt Jennifer has them for sale.

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Kundalini Yoga Wellness Wednesdays

Time: 7.50 - 9pm

Price: £48

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