Sunday evening – Mixed Ability

Sunday 5pm – 6pm

Mixed Ability Yoga Class

with Orla

Every other Sunday

Check booking system here>>>

*not suitable during pregnancy


£10 online/ £10 drop in

If you are reasonably fit and healthy then this is a good class for you.

60 minutes of Yoga which will provide a great foundation for your Yoga practice.

You will learn Yoga Postures (Asanas), Breathing techniques (Pranayama) and Relaxation (Yoga Nidra). But don’t worry; you don’t need to know what these terms mean to do this class. Anyone can learn Yoga and this class is a great way to start.

Be prepared, Yoga is a work out and you’ll probably sweat, even in this Beginners Yoga class.

Orla McKeagney teaches this Mixed Ability Yoga Classes.

For a more basic and easier level then try out our Absolute Beginners Yoga class.


If you are unsure which class is for you, feel free to chat to Keshav or Jennifer, they will find the right class for you.

Namaste Yoga Etiquette

Thank you for booking your class at Namaste Yoga Centre.

We look forward to sharing our Yoga knowledge with you.

Please arrive on time for your class.

Please bring all your personal belongings into the Yoga room with you.

Please remember to be quiet whilst waiting for your class to start. (other classes may be on)

Thank You and Namaste,

Keshav and Jennifer

Namaste Yoga Centre Owners

Book Your Place


Sunday evening – Mixed Ability

Date & time

16th March, 2025

17:00 ‐ 18:00


Orla McKeagney






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